This monument is placed in Old city of Thessaloniki between road Theotokopoulou, Krispou, Chrysostomou and Filoktitou. The bath is occupied in the centre of one of small building square. In His Eastern and Western side and in a small distance, several floors buildings are raised that were built in the decades '60 and '70. The open space of the monument is calculated 150 sq.m. and its south side looks in the road Theotokopoulou and its north side in the square Romfeis.

His place is important while it is found in the entrance of the traditional settlement characterized as Ano Poli of Thessalonica and on fundamental road axis where it leads also to other important Byzantine monuments. Infrequent rescued sample of Byzantine bath in the Hellenic space was functioned up until 1940.

It was located and studied for first time by archaeologist A. Xyggopoylos three months after the pause of his operation. On Ottoman domination it brought the name the Bath “Koule Caffe” from the name district that is found. The old building of bath had been drowned by the additions of Ottoman period but also from the later increases. It is a natural bath that functioned for roughly seven centuries and it has accepted a lot of additions and changes. The biggest of them however were in the dues 19th and in the beginning of 20th century when the technology changed with faster pulse.

The building was abandoned for a long time and none essential metre of his protection was taken and this had the result that today the monument is suffocated between blocks of flats that were built at the decade of '60. His declaration as preservable monument became to 1952. In 1972 certain exploratory work and cleanings revealed the front aspect of the building from the side of square because her hypsometric difference was under earth except a little part of it.

After the earthquake 1978 provisional coffering took place, mainly in the cupola because they presented serious damages.

Byzantine Bath
Byzantine Bath
Byzantine Bath
Byzantine Bath