Seminar 1
Programme of the 1st PROSPELASIS Seminar:
«Appropriate behavior of Monument's employees»
Date: Thursday the 30th of September 2010
Place: Amphitheatre of the Museum of Byzantine Culture of Thessaloniki
Target audiences: a) Monument's Employees of Thessaloniki's Ephorates and also of other Ephorates.
b) Tourist guides
c) Other
9:00-09:15 Arrival of guests and participants
1. «The PROSPELASIS project. Main objectives and expected results».
Prof. A. Naniopoulos (project coordinator), AUTh
2. «The Byzantine Monuments of Thessaloniki and the 9th Ephorate's policy towards documentation, conservation and opening to the public».
Melina Paisidou, 9th Ephorate of Byzantine Antiquities
3. «An overview of the various groups of people with difficulties in mobility and perception and the main problems they face in the mobility chain».
Dimitrios Nalmbantis, PhD, civil engineer, responsible of the people with disabilities technical office of AUTh
10:30-11:00 Interval
4. «The Monument's visitor with vision problems, his/her expectations and needs».
Karypidou Eleni, President of the PanHellenic Association of Blind, Local Union of Central Macedonia (PAB/LUCM),
Kalle Paschalina, Mobility trainer for people with vision problems and group of people with vision impairment, Mobility, orientation and daily skills service of PAB/LUCM.
5. «People with disabilities, their expectations concerning other's behavior, usual problems and mistakes».
Andreas Dimitropoulos, PhD, Architect, employee at Secondary Education
12:30 -13:00 Discussion questions and answers
6. «The wheelchair user and cultural spaces, expectations and main problems».
Nikos Voularopoulos, Editor of "disability now" magazine and his assistants
12:30-13:00 Interval
7. «The visitor with hearing problems, expectations and usual problems».
Antonios Karatosios, student of civil engineering, member of students with disabilities group
8. Round table discussion, questions and answers